Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week 9: October 25 - Personal Philosophy, Career Goals, & Academic Opportunities

Has your professional life given you a Personal Philosophy perspective? What is it? Is this personal philosophy Interdisciplinary--explain why or why not. How have your career goals changed? Explain the transition of these changes.


  1. I think my personal philosophy about my professional life is to tackle obstacles one at a time. I know that if i overload myself, I will only get stressed out in the end, and my work will suffer for it. I also feel that I should apply what I already know with regards to a task or situation and use it to find new solutions to tasks given to me. I think this philosophy could be considered interdisciplinary because it takes the integration of prior knowledge and new situations and utilizes it in an innovative way. My career goals, if I even was sure of what they were to begin with, probably haven't changed. I want to be able to live a life with as little stress as possible and not have to worry about my financial situation being too bad. As long as I make enough to get by comfortably and I like my career, I think I can be quite happy.

    --Michael Rosenblum

  2. Michael-

    It sounds to me that you have a strong hold on what makes you happy. You stated that "I think my personal philosophy about my professional life is to tackle obstacles one at a time."
    This is so smart. I have too become a pro at focusing on the most important tasks first and getting them done, then moving onto the rest. Although sometimes when I am thinking of other classes while completing homework I come up with a more innovative and interesting solution.

    Do you think that same philosophy applies to your personal life? Do you get your finances in order then move on to your relationships then to your social obligations?

    For me, my professional life as a student and full time employee has given my personal life less structure. Because I am so deep in school and work my personal life just knid of squeezes in where ever it can fit.

  3. It's good to be aware of your personal philosophy to keep a focus on your goals and interdisciplinarity.

    Life has so many twists and turns that it helps to stay grounded as to who you are even career goals change in the process, the journey. This will help you stay happy and still be on track. For me personally, I've always needed a little structure so when I have those days that are out of control--eventually I get back to my routine after being sidetracked or derailed for that day, week, whatever the case may be...

    The key is to stay true to yourself as you go through these transitions, and grow.

  4. Throughout my professional life I’ve been constantly developing a personal philosophy as to what makes someone do what they do for a living. To some, the first obvious answer would be we do what we do for the money. This idea may work for others but for me, the joy of the job is first and foremost. This wasn’t always the case in my early professional life but over time after working jobs that were less than thrilling, I’ve come to believe that if you love your work then its not really work at all. Not to mention your getting paid to do what you love! I hold this philosophy close to my heart and can’t wait to see what the future holds.

  5. I would say that for the most part, my carrier goals have stayed about the same. If anything, the only thing that I could say has changed throughout my professional career would be my personal philosophy perspective. As I mentioned in my previous blog, I believe love of the job is much more important that how much money you make. I used to think the opposite but no longer do. My short term career goals have stayed about the same such as graduating UCF and meeting the qualifications to begin my carrier, but my long term goals may change from time to time only because I want to leave my career open to opportunity seeing as how expansive the aviation industry is.

  6. Bob I agree with you totally. I also have no idea what I want to do as far as a profession goes. I feel like a lot of students our age also have the same problem. So your perspective on taking things one step at a time is great. I believe that everything happens for a reason and eventually everything will work out, you just have to take things one step at a time.

    My personal philosophy perspective is to set goals and timelines for achieving these goals. As I senior in college I have realized that I do not have a lot of time before I am forced out into the real world and have to stand on my own two feet and do things independently without the help of mom and dad. I believe this could be considered Interdisciplinary. You have to think and create a plan of how to solve your individual goals. I have had a lot of trouble deciding on what I want to do with my professional life but I feel like it will all fall into place soon enough. I do not think my career goals have changed thus far but I am hoping they will soon.

    I believe structure and organization is the key to any form of success. So being organized in both your professional and person life is very important. Simple things such as sticking to a specific routine or schedule can help you get use to and become an expert at whatever task you are trying to complete.
